5 Signs You Should Be Concerned About Joint Pain

5 Signs You Should Be Concerned About Joint Pain

5 Signs You Should Be Concerned About Joint Pain

The body is a complex biological machine that comprises several different parts. All these work together to help you live and navigate the world around you. When disease attacks, it usually affects one or more of the different parts. Sometimes, it can attack one part and present symptoms in another. 

Joints are one of the parts that make up the complex structure of your body. Joints are where bones and muscles meet and are responsible for helping you move. Sometimes, people may experience joint pain due to injury, illness, or an underlying condition. 


What Is Joint Pain?

Joint pain is a common complaint from people all over the world. People feel it in the spine, feet, hips, hands, or knees. They may describe the pain as a dull ache, soreness, or sometimes sharp pain. It can be constant, come and go, or aggravated by something specific. 

Sometimes, the joints can feel stiff in the morning and then ease up as the day goes on. Patients may complain of the feeling of grinding or throbbing. In some cases, movement can make the symptoms much worse. When going for treatment, the cause of the pain must be addressed, not only the resulting symptoms. 


When Is It Time to See a Structural Chiropractor for Joint Pain?

Here are five symptoms that should indicate that it is time to look for a chiropractor include:


  • Enlarged, stiff, or inflamed joints

  • Snapping, clicking, and grinding noises from your joints

  • Numbness or difficulty straightening or bending your joints

  • Complete loss or limited range of motion in your joints

  • Swollen, hot, and reddened joints.


What Causes Joint Pain?

Chronic joint pain can occur due to several reasons. Here are some common ones:



It is one of the more common forms of arthritis and usually sets in over time. It occurs when the cushion between the bones in the joint wears away. The bones begin to grind on each other, causing stiffness and pain. Because of its gradual development, it is more common in middle-aged people.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is the second most common form of arthritis and is usually more impactful. It is a chronic condition that causes your joints to swell and leads to pain. It can cause deformity of the joints, especially in the hands and fingers. 



This painful condition commonly affects the big toe but can occur anywhere in the body. It happens when crystals from the body collect in the joint, leading to inflammation and severe swelling. 



We have all heard the phrase, “Too much of something is not good.” The same goes for using your body. Overusing certain joints in the body can lead to joint pain called bursitis. It is common in the knee, hip, shoulder, or elbow. 

If you experience any of the above, you should see a Structural Chiropractor immediately for an evaluation.

For more about signs you should be concerned about joint pain, visit Premier Chiropractic of Tyler at our office in Tyler, Texas. Call (903) 602-1600 to book an appointment today.

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